Generate Pdf Cakephp 1.3

What you're seeing is the source of the PDF document. So your PDF is generating correctly but somewhere along the line the content type sent to the browser is set to text/html (it should be application/pdf). You're using the stream() method in your layout which will set the header appropriately (so you don't need to additionally set it in your controller). Dompdf does not exit() after sending the PDF to the client and so you might have output buffering enabled and CakePHP is doing something somewhere to set the content type after the PDF is generated. If this is the case you could just add an exit() to the end of your layout.
Hp Download Your Drivers For Windows 7 here. Better, however, might be to configure content-type/extension support in CakePHP. Canon Cine Projector S-2 Manual. It's been a while since I've done this in CakePHP but I believe you would need to do some and configuration.
There is the possibility to generate an 'only for download' or 'only for print' file? (which doesn't need to be saved on server) cakephp pdf pdf-generation cakephp-3.0 cakephp-3.1.