Installer Une Imprimante Canon Sur Ubuntu Linux
Feb 14, 2017 Canon PIXMA MX472 - Standard setup on. Installer des logiciels sous Ubuntu - Duration. Remplacer une cartouche d'encre sur l'imprimante HP DeskJet 3634 - Duration: 2:56. Canon Digital Camera Usb Protocol. Assistance HP. Installing canon pixma mg5650 in linux ubuntu. Ask Question. How can I install Canon Pixma MG 3150? Canon pixma mg2440 scanner not working with xsane.

In this guide we will see how to install drivers for some various Canon printers as described below. The drivers will be compatible with Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot and Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narhwal, also older versions of Ubuntu are also included. Mirc Torrent Script Php. To make this possible we need to use the PPA found which contains most drivers for different Canon printer models. So, to install this PPA under Ubuntu 11.10/11.04, open the terminal and run these two commands: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:michael-gruz/canon sudo apt-get update Now remove any old unused printer driver you have installed and disconnect your printer from your computer or turn it off.
Then, install the appropriate driver from one of these commands: 1.
Remplacer: *OpenUI *Resolution/Output Resolution: PickOne *DefaultResolution: 600dpi *Resolution 600dpi/600 dpi: '>setpagedevice' *CloseUI: *Resolution Par: *OpenUI *Resolution/Output Resolution: PickOne *DefaultResolution: 600dpi *Resolution 300dpi/300 dpi: '>setpagedevice' *Resolution 600dpi/600 dpi: '>setpagedevice' *Resolution 1200dpi/1200 dpi: '>setpagedevice' *Resolution 2400dpi/2400 dpi: '>setpagedevice' *Resolution 2400x4800dpi/4800 dpi: '>setpagedevice' *Resolution 2400x9600dpi/9600 dpi: '>setpagedevice' *CloseUI: *Resolution. Ou si vous souhaitez plus de choix, par: *OpenUI *ColorModel/Color Model: PickOne *DefaultColorModel: rgb *ColorModel rgb/RGB: '>setpagedevice' *ColorModel Gray/Grayscale: '>setpagedevice' *ColorModel Black/Inverted Grayscale: '>setpagedevice' *ColorModel CMY/CMY Color: '>setpagedevice' *ColorModel CMYK/CMYK: '>setpagedevice' *ColorModel KCMY/KCMY: '>setpagedevice' *CloseUI: *ColorModel.