Luke Welling Laura Thomson Php Mysql Pdf Tutorial

Luke Welling and Laura Thomson have the special gift of taking information, disseminating it, and making it simple to understand for everyone. This is the second book I bought from these authors (Php and MySQL Web Development) without any complaints. PHP and MySQL Web Development, 5th Edition By Luke Welling, Laura Thomson Published Sep 20, 2016 by Addison-Wesley Professional.
I am an above-average computer user, who has been mostly living in the Windows world. Recently, my friends and I have decided to create a business -- an e-commerce business. We knew nothing about how to do that. We are all electrical engineers, and are good at programming -- but have never really been concerned with how a website operates from the developer's standpoint. I purchased this book out of the blue -- based on the ratings it had and the sheer number of pages (I know that's lame but I'm being honest). This book has single-handedly enabled us to start our e-commerce website. Hp Elitebook 8560w Drivers Fingerprint Art. I have since configured my backup machine into a linux server, and have PHP, MySQL, and Apache running on it flawlessly.
I haven't even got to chapter 12 yet, and I already have the database and the online applications up and running. The real value of this book to me is the knowledge that other books take for granted. For example, in the appendix there is a complete how-to that describes where to get the PHP, MySQL, and Apache downloads, what versions to get, and how to install (and configure them) them both in linux and Windows. This information was critical. I needed the 'enter this command to do this task' kind of guidance, as opposed to the 'do this task' alternative I find in other books.
In the sections regarding the PHP syntax, it makes a clear distinction between the new features of PHP5 versus PHP4, and how to use the older versions if need be. As someone who is just learning the PHP language -- this also was very valuable information. In a little more than a week, I went from a Windows XP user, to a linux server administrator writing (and debugging) PHP/MySQL applications who is able to answer server/database/PHP questions asked by my business partners. I highly recommend this book. I am a self-taught web developer.
I've got quite a collection of books. So I'm picky about writing style and good teaching techniques. (i.e.: hate `friend's of ed') I learned the basics of Php from Wrox beginning Php and professional Php, but didn't get to finish the later because of having to use Php on a project that lasted over a year.
Serial Composition And Atonality George Perle Pdf Printer. I use the Php manual all of the time, but I am also using this book to find some of the details I may have missed and more elegant techniques I want to learn. So far I really like it.
Download Free Disciplina Inteligente Vidal Schmill Pdf Printer. I can skim the stuff I know about and take note of some things I need to get better. I do think that if you were a complete rookie, a beginner book before this one would be helpful. This book reads well and is very clear with good teaching techniques. I have just started learning some PHP & MySQL development using 'PHP & MySQL Web Development' published by Sams and 'Web Database Applications with PHP & MySQL' from O'Reilly. Prospective readers might be wondering the difference between the two in deciding which one to buy, so I hope to shed some light on the issue.Sams: The Welling and Thomson book is more 'hands-on' in that it takes the reader step-by-step in developing an e-commerce website. The chapters are organized in a goal-oriented manner: PHP, MySQL, the basics of e-commerce, security, and design of the site.O'Reilly: The Williams and Lane book is structured in a similar way by showing readers PHP and then MySQL.